Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to health in the UK, thought to cause between 28,000 and 36,000 deaths a year. It has also been linked with the development and worsening of coronary heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease and lung cancer, exacerbates asthma and hay fever, and worsens the outcomes of respiratory infections such […]
How to build healthy cities
Cities are key places. Changing the way we plan and develop cities will be essential to meet our net zero targets as well as improve the health and lives of people in urban areas. In this blog, Professor James Evans, Dr Luke Munford, Professor David Topping, Professor Sheena Cruickshank and Dr Jamie Anderson explore the […]
How to incentivise bioenergy with carbon capture and storage responsibly
The latest IPCC report on the state of the world’s climate shows that the remaining carbon budget – the amount of CO2 that can still be emitted while keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees – is almost gone. To meet net zero within these parameters, we will need to remove CO2 that is already in […]
How the digital healthcare revolution leaves the most vulnerable behind
Digital technology in healthcare was vital during the COVID-19 pandemic to make sure that people maintained access to health services when they were not available in-person. However, the move to digital healthcare disadvantaged some patients and placed them at risk of greater inequality and vulnerability. Here, Dr Omer Ali, Dr Elizabeth Dalgarno, Dr Claudia Pagliari […]
Carbon capture and storage: A solution under our noses
In 2019, the UK became the first major economy to legally commit to achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. With new evidence of rapid, anthropogenic-induced climate change emerging, it is likely that many climate forecasts have underestimated the speed and extent of climate change. This means that drastic action is needed to both slow […]
Air Pollution: a UK opportunity to lead on tackling a global problem
Poor air quality exacerbates socioeconomic inequalities and results in negative health outcomes, especially among vulnerable groups exposed to high levels of pollution. Air pollution remains a pressing global challenge against the backdrop of rapid urbanisation. In this blog, Professor Hugh Coe outlines opportunities for the UK to lead and co-develop solutions to address air pollution, […]
Polluting the economy: the hidden cost of air pollution
Recent empirical evidence demonstrates that air pollution has negative effects on the labour market beyond health-related costs. In this blog, Dr Ron Chan and Ms Veronica Vienne from The University of Manchester and Dr Martino Pelli from Université de Sherbrooke explore the non-health-related impacts of air pollution on the labour force, using the wildfires in Chile […]
Critical time to prevent cognitive decline in children and prevent neurodegenerative disease
Children and the elderly face a greater risk of negative health effects arising from exposure to air pollution. In this blog, Professor Martie van Tongeren explores the impacts of air pollutant exposure on children’s cognitive performance, working memory and attention control. He highlights policy interventions that can be implemented across schools, local authorities and the […]
Decarbonising transport: Inequality, joined-up action, and the risk of technological optimism
The Department for Transport (DfT) recently released their long-awaited Decarbonising Transport plan. In this blog, Dr Cristina Temenos and Dr Joe Blakey outline how its technologically-optimistic vision risks locking in high-carbon futures, overlooking transport inequalities, and opportunities for joined-up thinking and the precautionary principle. DfT’s Decarbonising Transport Plan makes some welcome proposals, but it is […]
Microplastic contamination of UK rivers caused by poor wastewater management
River corridors have provided therapeutic green spaces in our towns and cities during the pandemic. These rivers are being degraded by the widespread practice of ‘spilling’ untreated sewage. This raw sewage – laced with microplastics – has profound impacts on the environment and on public health. In this blog, Professor Jamie Woodward, from the Department […]