It’s been a difficult few years for the UK’s beleaguered Serious Fraud Office (SFO), writes Dr Nicholas Lord. As the authority responsible for the investigation and prosecution of corporate corruption in international business, it’s been blighted by a lack of prosecutions, collapsed cases, failed investigations and data loss. But while the introduction of Deferred Prosecution […]
Gender perspective should not be forgotten amid Bosnia and Herzegovina unrest
The protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have not taken any observers of the country by surprise, writes Dr Laura McLeod. But, she argues, amid all the early analyses and demands, it’s vital to make sure a gender perspective is included. Resentment about ongoing corruption encouraged and perpetuated by many politicians and political parties has […]
As migration debate rages, look to Manchester for integration inspiration
Unless the UK tackles anti-Roma perceptions and prejudice, the exclusion and marginalisation of Roma will continue to thwart any chance of their integration, writes Prof Yaron Matras. Those who follow the situation of Europe’s Roma know that there is never a “dull” week in which we don’t hear of accusations, abuse, or even violence against […]
Microcredit and International Development: Contexts, Achievements and Challenges
Microcredit and International Development: Contexts, Achievements and Challenges. Edited by Farhad Hossain, Christopher Rees and Tonya Knight Millar. Routledge, 2011. Microfinance services have played important roles in the development of small and medium scale enterprises, writes Dr Justice Nyigmah Bawole. This title deals with contemporary experiences in the microfinance industry – and while it omits […]
Is scrutiny in Wales about to come of age?
Until recently, many people have considered scrutiny in Welsh local government as the ‘poor cousin’ of the local democracy, writes Alan Morris. It’s had a turbulent few years and some members of the local government community have questioned its value. However, he argues that the recognition of scrutiny’s important role seems to be about to […]
Health Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Options, obstacles, limited outcomes
Health Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Options, obstacles, limited outcomes, James Warner Björkman and Juraj Nemec (editors). Eleven International Publishing. June 2013. This title offers timely insight into the emerging patterns in health reforms in Central and Eastern European countries since the fall of the Berlin Wall, writes Anna Raphael. Authors present conclusions that […]
What do policymakers want from academics?
What is it that the most senior national security policymakers want from international relations scholars? An answer to this question matters, write Paul Avey and Michael Desch, because there has been recurrent interest among policymakers in drawing upon academic social science expertise in support of more effective national security policymaking. Despite this high-level interest, there has […]
Learning to live with the Frankenstein’s Monster that is modern nursing
Today’s nurses have been accused of being “too posh to wash” and lacking compassion, writes Stuart Butler. But unless policymakers are willing to free up their time through further recruitment, or abandon their obsession with targets, they should learn to live with the professionalized work-force that is entirely of their own making. Rather uniquely […]
Welcome to Manchester Policy Blogs (and the biggest Think Tank in Britain)
Thinks-tanks get a massive amount of (sometimes ill-deserved) attention, but they are small, usually ideologically biased and carry out only very limited research. We are big, neutral and carry out massive amounts of research – which doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. That is partly our fault, for not communicating our research well enough […]
The Political Power of the Business Corporation
The Political Power of the Business Corporation, Stephen Wilks. Edward Elgar. March 2013. In The Political Power of the Business Corporation, the author argues that making corporations accountable is one of the most fundamental problems facing 21st century society along with terrorism, nuclear war and epidemics. It provides both an up-to-date analysis of how big […]