James Nazroo, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity at The University of Manchester, opens our mini-series of blogs examining The Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing’s (MICRA) new report ‘The Golden Generation? Professor Nazroo states that the ‘golden generation’ label applied to today’s older people is a myth. […]
Partnership working: why is integrating health and social care so difficult?
Intense financial pressures and an ageing population have challenged NHS England to rethink the ways in which health and social care can be delivered in future. Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) are the key strategic place-based plans that outline a new approach to maintaining financial balance while achieving an improved and integrated health care model. […]
GP-led commissioning of health services: here to stay or gone tomorrow?
A survey of GPs suggests that only a minority think that commissioning services is an important part of their role, and that many current GP leaders of Clinical Commissioning Groups intend to quit their roles in the next five years. Professor Kath Checkland and Dr Valerie Moran blog for us on their study, and the […]
Prevention was always better than cure. Now, it’s the best way to save the NHS.
Martin Yuille, Reader in Biobanking/Co-Director of CIGMR at The University of Manchester argues that it’s time for health policy change course and take prevention seriously. The NHS Titanic is lurching toward an iceberg of three big killers: type 2 diabetes, cardio-vascular disease and cancer. There are two key components of disease prevention: assessing risk of […]
The hidden emergency in England’s NHS ambulance service
The recent terrorist attack in Manchester brought widespread praise for the response by the emergency services, not just from the public but from leaders of all political parties. But there are serious problems and failings within the NHS’s ambulance service, says The University of Manchester’s Professor Leo McCann, and we need deep-rooted policy change to […]
What can we learn from Ian Paterson’s conviction for criminally harmful surgery?
Doctor Alexandra Mullock is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Law at The University of Manchester’s School of Law, and writes for us today on the legal background and future implications of Ian Paterson’s recent convictions for unnecessary and damaging surgeries. The Paterson case has significant implications for the principle that non-fatal surgical violations are exempt from […]
The new GM mayor must address sexual violence
As the polling day for Greater Manchester electing its first ever Metro Mayor approaches, Dr Sarah Darley outlines what the new mayor must do in order to tackle sexual violence across the city region. In Greater Manchester, reported rapes have doubled in the last two years and child sexual exploitation has increased fivefold in three […]
The world after Ebola
UK-Med, a medical NGO within The University of Manchester’s Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), assisted the UK Government in recruiting NHS volunteers to combat the Ebola outbreak in west Africa. Here, the HCRI’s director Professor Tony Redmond reflects on the experience and the lessons we can learn about the benefits of helping others. Ebola […]
A world without Down’s Syndrome? Is the non-invasive test for Down’s a positive medical breakthrough or a tool for eugenics?
In 2018, Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for genetic conditions and variations will be available on the NHS. Here, Professor Rebecca Bennett looks at the controversy over this test being used to detect Down’s syndrome and argues for a policy of voluntary non-directive screening and testing. Our current ‘opt-out’ screening practice for Down’s in pregnancy already […]
The first cut is the deepest: how the crisis in children and young people’s mental health was created
In the coming weeks, the House of Commons Education and Health Select Committees will be hearing oral evidence on their inquiry into children and young people’s mental health and the role of education. Members of the Manchester Institute of Education have written three blogs expanding on some of the key issues in their submission and […]