Dr Marianne Sensier, Professor Fiona Devine and Dr Elvira Uyarra have conducted research comparing the economic resilience of UK sub-regions in recovery from the 2008 financial crisis. In this blog, they map the resilience across the UK in recovery from the financial crisis and suggest policies for increasing resilience for recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. […]
The retrofitting challenge in Manchester
During January-March 2020, Mateusz Ziembla, together with Dr Elvira Uyarra and Professor Jonatan Pinkse, undertook a study for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), funded by Research England, aimed at analysing the challenges associated with improving the energy efficiency of existing housing stock in order to articulate recommendations for policy action. Cost-effective decarbonisation of domestic […]
COVID-19 and the future of urban mobility
COVID-19 has comprehensively disrupted urban mobility systems. Public transport authorities are running skeleton services, while streets are less congested. In the midst of lockdown conditions, urban mobility systems look unrecognisable. Here, Dr Mike Hodson and Professor Andrew McMeekin reflect on how different areas have responded to the lockdown, and discuss key considerations that will shape […]
Recognising the value and significance of cleaning work in a context of crisis
In this blog, Professor Miguel Martínez Lucio of the Work and Equalities Institute and the Alliance Manchester Business School and Dr Jo McBride of Durham University discuss the question of how we have failed to value the work and importance of those in the area of cleaning and hygiene-related employment more generally. The need now […]
Levelling up regional resilience
Dr Marianne Sensier and Dr Elvira Uyarra have conducted research comparing the economic resilience, community wellbeing, sustainability and governance of Greater Manchester and Preston in recovery from the 2008 financial crisis. The financial crisis provided a window of opportunity for some places to develop new arrangements to adapt and diversify regional economies. In this blog, […]
The darker politics of wellbeing: the managerial abuse of ‘positive’ interventions at work
In this blog, Miguel Martínez Lucio, Professor in the Work and Equalities Institute and the Alliance Manchester Business School at The University of Manchester, discusses the ‘individualised’ approach to worker wellbeing and argues for a more collective approach that recognises the seriousness of mental health. Changing agendas in the workplace continue to undermine the regulatory […]
Beyond technology: addressing the social and sustainability challenges of next generation industrial systems
This week’s annual gathering of the World Economic Forum in Davos will discuss prospects for ‘Globalisation 4.0’, with participants debating how to match a global economy increasingly driven by new technology and the movement of ideas, people, and goods, with citizens around the world looking to ‘take back control’. Professor Philip Shapira from the Manchester […]
Humanity in the spotlight: the investor’s responsibility
As The University of Manchester prepares to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Dr Lara Bianchi from the Business and Human Rights Catalyst at the Alliance Manchester Business School discusses the responsibility investors have in ensuring human rights are part of a company’s strategy. 82% of all of the growth […]
Where next for SPL: reflections on the Women and Equalities Committee’s ‘Fathers and the Workplace’ inquiry recommendations
Parliament’s Women and Equalities Committee today released its report from the Fathers and the Workplace inquiry which highlights the difficulties dads have in balancing their careers and childcare responsibilities. Dr Emma Banister from Alliance Manchester Business School and Dr Ben Kerrane from Lancaster University Management School give us their thoughts on the report’s recommendations. It […]
Introducing non-GP health professionals into general practice teams: what needs to be considered?
Financial pressures and changing service demands are driving a diversification of staffing in general practice (GP). One policy response has been the drive towards increasing levels of ‘non-GP’ staff in local practices. Here, Dr Pauline Nelson and Professor Damian Hodgson of Alliance Manchester Business School survey the current situation, direction of travel, and the steps […]