The Department for Transport (DfT) recently released their long-awaited Decarbonising Transport plan. In this blog, Dr Cristina Temenos and Dr Joe Blakey outline how its technologically-optimistic vision risks locking in high-carbon futures, overlooking transport inequalities, and opportunities for joined-up thinking and the precautionary principle. DfT’s Decarbonising Transport Plan makes some welcome proposals, but it is […]
Microplastic contamination of UK rivers caused by poor wastewater management
River corridors have provided therapeutic green spaces in our towns and cities during the pandemic. These rivers are being degraded by the widespread practice of ‘spilling’ untreated sewage. This raw sewage – laced with microplastics – has profound impacts on the environment and on public health. In this blog, Professor Jamie Woodward, from the Department […]
Health messaging in the vaccine rollout: the role of the community
The COVID-19 vaccination campaign has been met with much enthusiasm, with some hailing it as the beginning of the end of the pandemic. But health experts fear such optimism might prompt people to pay less attention to hygienic compliance measures, such as hand washing and wearing masks in public. The emergence of new strains in […]
Mobility transitions: COVID-19 and building back better post-carbon transport futures
In the days and weeks following the global lockdowns due to COVID-19, reports emerged on plunging carbon emissions and better air quality. The hashtag #BuildBackBetter quickly emerged as communities and governments started thinking about how to reconfigure essential travel infrastructure in a rapidly changing world. But as lockdown restrictions have eased, to varying levels, emissions […]
Building back better: rethinking urban futures with children and young people
The global pandemic of 2020 has had a huge impact on the lives of millions of citizens around the world, with research showing that children and young people (CYP) have been the most severely affected. Here in the UK and beyond, governments and policymakers are expressing their determination to ‘build back better’ after COVID-19, while […]
Teenagers’ experiences of life in lockdown – and lessons for COVID-19 recovery plans
For older teenagers, the COVID-19 pandemic has come at a key moment in the transition to adulthood. In “normal” times, this age group are becoming more independent and are taking steps towards their futures – sitting exams, beginning new studies, and entering the workforce. In 2020, things have been rather different. In this blog Dr […]
COVID-19: What should transport and mobility responses be now and beyond?
The measures we put in place around transport and mobility are critical to how we emerge from this pandemic and rebuild in the coming years. In this blog, Dr Ransford A. Acheampong examines how to make transport safe as some of the most vulnerable groups are returning to work, and shows that active travel is […]
Build in haste, repent at leisure? Post-pandemic planning at the precipice
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to discussions on what shape planning should take post-crisis. Here, Prof Iain White, Prof Graham Haughton, and Dr Nuno Pinto outline how current regulations have exacerbated difficulties for some people in lockdown, discuss how opportunistic developers or politicians may seek to hijack the policy responses, and suggest solutions to ensure […]
Local Industrial Strategies can capitalise on gaps in UK climate and resource policies
As the UK and many local regions embark on developing and implementing industrial strategies Dr Kate Scott from the School of Environment, Education and Development argues it is crucial to identify how their strengths can support innovation and development for low carbon transitions. This is particularly true in light of the government’s recent announcement that […]