NASA’s Artemis program aims to return humans to the lunar surface by 2025, before establishing a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by the end of the decade. This so-called Lunar Gateway will then be used as a staging point for future missions to Mars. With estimated project costs approaching $100 billion, a criticism of […]
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage – real-worlding emission estimates
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) could play an important role in meeting the UK’s net zero emissions target according to the sixth carbon budget scenarios. However, there are many different ways BECCS could be deployed in the UK, and how that roll out is managed could make a big difference in terms of […]
Advancing cell and gene therapies: Levelling-up life sciences investment in the North-West
Life sciences – including new cancer treatments – forms a central pillar of the UK Government’s post-Brexit plan for science and technology. But how could this focus also play a role in another key tenet of British policymaking; the levelling-up agenda? In this blog, adapted from our On Cancer publication, Professor Fiona Thistlethwaite and Professor […]
On productivity and Net Zero
The UK government has assigned itself with the tasks of boosting productivity in left-behind areas and transitioning to a net-zero economy. In this blog, Professor Jonatan Pinkse explores how the UK can simultaneously improve its standards of productivity regionally while transitioning to a net-zero economy. His policy recommendations include securing green jobs and not using […]
How public procurement can influence innovation, productivity and societal challenges
The public sector is an extremely influential buyer in the market. Through public procurement, the government can influence productivity in various ways. It can develop and scale up productivity-enhancing innovations, and it can reward more innovative suppliers by shaping markets and amplifying innovative practices and technologies. Her applicable policy recommendations focus on improving poignance of […]
Making light work: Recommendations for healthy lighting
Light exposure has important effects on human health and wellbeing, regulating our sleep/wake cycles, and influencing our mental and physical health. Advances in our understanding of the role of light in health, and emerging lighting technologies, now present opportunities to adjust lighting to promote optimal physical and mental health and performance. In this blog, Professor […]
The Energy Security Strategy: Going nuclear
The government has today announced plans to build eight new nuclear reactors in the UK, alongside strategies to boost wind, hydrogen, and solar production. These new reactors are intended to improve the UK’s energy self-sufficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as creating thousands of new jobs. In this blog, Professor Francis Livens of […]
Sustainable engineering – not just engineering for sustainability
Net zero now forms the heart of policies and strategies across government, from “levelling up” to “build back better”. Combined with the UK’s National Infrastructure Strategy, it is clear that engineering – particularly new technologies such as robotics and AI – has a core role in our decarbonisation efforts. But how green are the technologies […]
Digital platforms, COVID-19 and the reshaping of urban mobility
When COVID-19 struck, it caused unprecedented disruption to urban transport systems. Stay-at-home and social distancing orders had dramatic impacts on urban mobility. Cities around the world ground to a halt, and many saw a sudden and prolonged emptying out of urban centres. In this blog Dr Andy Lockhart, Prof Mike Hodson and Prof Andy McMeekin […]
North West England: developing a regional roadmap for industrial bio-revolution
Escalating societal and political concerns over climate change have bolstered significant global focus on cutting carbon dioxide emissions. However, in a world still reeling from the effects of a global pandemic, development and implementation of effective resolution strategies are lacking. Profound change is needed to address damaging environmental, social, and economic repercussions of the current […]