Social prescriptions have been hailed as a wonderful way of improving health outcomes, at low cost. But Paul Wilson argues that we need less rhetoric and more sound research to evaluate project results. The Queen’s Speech has seen the new government reconfirm commitments to make an extra £8bn of funding available to the NHS. But […]
Reorganising the NHS: Never again?
As we approach the election, the prospect of yet more organisational restructuring for the NHS fills Kieran Walshe with dismay. The next government needs to focus more on changes which make a difference to patients, and which are founded on good evidence about what works. The ability to hold two conflicting positions in your mind […]
DevoManc: does the future of health and social care start here?
Devolving health and social care in Greater Manchester is an attractive idea. But will the practical challenges undo it ask Kath Checkland, Julia Segar and Anna Coleman. Devolution has been coming to Greater Manchester (GM) for some time. The recent announcement that the total health and social care budget for GM – £6bn – is […]
How racism harms health
Lifetime experiences of racism damage the health of ethnic minorities from before birth until death, writes Dr Laia Bécares. Racism is toxic for health. This can be taken literally, proven by a vast environmental justice literature that shows how some ethnic minorities are more likely than the white majority population to live within close […]
Today’s global poverty is down to the way we run the world
Today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and also Blog Action Day 2014, with the theme of inequality. Professor David Hulme laments the fact that global poverty still continues to plague our world – despite previous headline-grabbing pledges by the richest nations. Today, as on all the previous days of the 21st century, […]
To save lives we must rethink our assumptions about good healthcare
A new report in the British Medical Journal on centralising acute stroke services in Greater Manchester and London reveals the revolution in stroke care and treatment over the last twenty years – and it contains vital lessons for patients and policymakers, explains Dr Stephanie Snow. Around 152,000 of us will suffer from stroke in the […]
Budget shows politicians’ unwillingness to address ‘inactivity time bomb’
This year’s Budget is further evidence of politicians’ unwillingness to address an ‘inactivity time bomb’ that in time will undermine our economy, explains Dr Daniel Fitzpatrick. Lower unemployment and improved growth forecasts made this year’s Budget a much happier one for George Osborne. He was helped by the surprising news that most people in the […]
Do we need a ‘new settlement’ with Europe – or just a better sausage factory?
In seeking a ‘new settlement’ with the European Union (EU), the UK government is ignoring the existing rules and procedures that should already govern law making, argues Clive Bates. Here he focuses on a current example, the regulation of e-cigarettes, highlights the broader faults in the current process and offers some solutions. Otto Von Bismark […]
What’s happening with Obamacare?
The issues currently plaguing the rollout of Obamacare in the United States are a stark illustratration of the problems that can arise when politicians and policymakers fail to fully consider management and implementation issues, writes Professor Steve Kelman. I have just returned from a month in Sweden, during which I have been following – albeit […]
Electronic cigarettes: public health problem or potential solution?
The use of electronic cigarettes in the UK continues to grow, posing complex challenges for regulators and public health policymakers alike. Current debates represent a struggle over whether e-cigs will ultimately be viewed as a trusted medicine, an everyday consumer product or a problematic recreational drug, writes Dr Catriona Rooke. In June the UK medicines […]