Please see below for details of available funding for PhDs starting 2013.
If anyone is interested in applying to research in the areas of public sector performance, civil service reform, general public management, etc I would be willing to consider supporting an application and being named as a potential supervisor. But please note these schemes are highly competitive.
MBS Doctoral Funding Opportunities – September 2013 entry
Manchester Business School will be offering fully-funded PhD studentships to outstanding candidates wishing to commence their PhD studies at Manchester Business School in September 2013.
The MBS Doctoral Studentships offer up to four years funding, including doctoral programme tuition fees and a stipend of approximately £13,000 per year. The competition is open to home, EU and international students.
The MBS President’s Doctoral Scholar Awards offer an additional £1,000 p.a. enhancement to the standard funding of tuition fees and stipend of approximately £13,000 per year. The competition is open to home, EU and international students.
We are also recruiting outstanding candidates for ESRC North West DTC Studentships commencing September 2013. ESRC full awards are open to candidates who are classified as Home students for tuition fee purposes. Subject to residential eligibility status, the award covers tuition fees and an annual stipend of approximately £13,590.
Further details of the above awards including closing dates and selection information is in the attached document and at
Enquiries regarding funding can be be directed to Claire Smith, Doctoral Programmes Administrator (