Traditionally, policymakers have focused attention on the unemployed and employment entry in their efforts to tackle poverty. But a recent report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies stressed the growing importance of labour market conditions, with greater emphasis on job quality and progression. Anne Green agrees that in-work progression is important, but highlights a number of policy challenges. […]
Is the world economy about to topple again?
Is the world on the verge of a new financial crisis? Ilias Alami looks at the data and finds a precarious situation. While a variety of economic and financial indicators increasingly paint a bleak picture, the upcoming policy choices in developed countries will have far-reaching consequences for global financial stability. In the so-called developed countries, […]
Employment targets for ethnic minorities will not reduce racial inequalities
Omar Khan, Director of the Runnymede Trust, assesses the prospects for ethnic minorities under the new Conservative Government. The Prime Minister David Cameron’s commitments during the 2015 campaign will continue rather than reduce racial inequalities in the labour market. His underwhelming targets suggest we need better evidence, proper legislative scrutiny and public debate to make democracy […]
The redundancy trauma
Around 2.7 million people were made redundant in the UK during the ‘Great Recession’. Dr James Laurence examines the legacy of distrust created by those redundancies. The impact of the recession is the dominant back-drop to the General Election campaign. Politicians from all parties explain their approach to the continuing fiscal deficit. Yet there is […]
Drastic action needed to reverse European political trajectory
Costas Simitis, a former Greek Prime Minister, has urged Europe’s political leaders to demonstrate solidarity and have a vision for Europe’s future, reports Ewan Munro. Given the traumatic nature of recent Greek political and economic history, and the extent of the demands placed on the Athens government by the Troika, it might have been expected […]
Racial inequality in employment worsened in recessions
Despite Race Acts intended to ensure equality of opportunity, employment inequality persists – and got worse in each recent recession, explains Professor Yaojun Li. Ethnic minority men are more likely than white men to be jobless when the economy is booming. During periods of recession they suffer disproportionately higher unemployment rates. Social surveys covering the […]
Ethnic inequalities persist in the labour market
Despite government programmes to address high levels of unemployment in ethnic minority groups, inequalities persist, explains Professor James Nazroo. The impact of the economic crisis on members of ethnic minority groups has been strangely overlooked. Discussions of falls in unemployment rates and how these relate to part time and insecure – zero hours – employment, […]