Georgie Hines is Science and Technology Editor at The Mancunion newspaper, and spoke to the Budget Hack on science, technology, inequalities and Higher Education reform. =] vb — Policy@Manchester (@UoMPolicy) March 8, 2017
Budget Hack: Making the Budget work for charities and voluntary organisations
A new guest author shares their thoughts as part of Policy@Manchester’s Budget Hack event: There is something of a tradition in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector for our national umbrella bodies to write a collective letter to the Chancellor ahead of the Budget. That in itself will surprise nobody. As you can imagine, […]
Budget Hack: A little less innovation? Science and Innovation policy in the Spring Budget 2017
A new guest author shares their thoughts as part of Policy@Manchester’s Budget Hack event: When I first witnessed the Budget ceremony 10 years ago, having come from Germany just a few months before, I could not believe my eyes. For an ignorant continental European the political theatre was astonishing: a tattered red box, waved to […]
What does the Budget mean for you?
What will #Budget2017 mean for you? Join our experts for live reaction at tomorrow’s @UoMPolicy‘s #BudgetHack. — Uni of Manchester (@OfficialUoM) March 7, 2017
2017 Budget “Hack” – Weds 8 March at Club Academy
Wednesday 8 March is Budget day, and Policy@Manchester are hosting a day-long Budget “Hack” for people to think, talk, tweet and blog their thoughts on this great political event. All welcome The Budget Hack is our attempt to do something a little different – on Budget Day (Weds 8 March), we have hired Club Academy […]