This blog is, primarily but not exclusively, aimed at critical analysis of Whitehall – the civil service, government departments and their activities. It aims to be a quick way of floating ideas, commentary and queries about what’s going on in the “Whitehall Village”.
However, it will also address broader public management issues in the UK and internationally.
It is based on my experience as a researcher, advisor and consultant in the UK and more than 2 dozen other countries over the past 2 decades.
I welcome contributions – either as blog entries (which can be sent to me at or as comments.
I hope you enjoy the blog and find it useful.
Professor of Government and Public Administration, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
Former Specialist Advisor, House of Commons Treasury Select Committee and the Public Administration Select Committee.Editor-in-Chief, International J. of Public Administration
Thanks to Al Roberts for original design on this blog, and to Martin Cahill for the second generation design and photographs.